iPad day 12 (prep & landing)

To start the week we did some quick reflections on some of the use of iPads (especially when running a 1 machine : 1 classroom model!) We have enjoyed sharing discoveries and looking into articles to support our research.
Today we had the first group of students play with an iPad to video tape a ‘tobacco awareness video’ that they ave constructed a script for. The iPad will be used for recording and then for editing.
I also shared my ‘mapping’ keynote with my partner teacher to discuss ongoing review of a topic leading into a new piece of learning (gradual release of responsibility) and asked about how I am using it to track student progress on group projects. I’m also looking forward to using a reward-wheel app to create randomized groups for another upcoming project!
My music teacher was also just given an iPod touch to start her own exploring – I’m looking forward to having enough devices to be able to start exploring GarageBand! Tonight Ill be meeting with parents and discussing ‘other tablets’ including any experiences with the galaxy Tab, Microsoft surface (might have one in-district that can be borrowed) and the iPad mini. Still waiting word on whether or not the kindle fire will come to Canada!

We are feeling that our PREParation is going well and are looking forward to seeing how we LAND into our new tech-supported learning environment!
More to come!

About technolandy

Principaling on the Pacific in Powell River BC Pushing 'technologization' in education: blending technology and curriculum seamlessly. Advocate for better understanding of Anxiety in Education (and use of self-regulation) Utilizing ePortfolios & Descriptive Feedback to personalize learning!
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