Day 149 (of 2023/24) a #tEChursday look at cellphone bans… a distraction… but maybe not in the way that many think? With thanks to @torontostar

Day 149 (of 2023/24) a #tEChursday look at cellphone bans… a distraction… but maybe not in the way that many think?

I videoed a thought earlier this week:

And as I’ve been thinking about it, I reflect back on some work and thinking about anxiety and mental wellness with a look at current ban-o-mania:

And the other on my iceberg metaphor… I compare the pursuit of the reason behind things like anxiety… most are aware that what most people see is the tip, with much more unseeable below the waters surface.

I further that metaphor with the reminder that icebergs also ‘flip’ periodically, so even when taking a closer look, ‘it’ is still only showing you what it wants you to see… even more so, there’s a famous photo regularly used about an iceberg…but..

do we really see what we need/mean to see?

So, I will expand my ponder on whether or not our focus on ‘phones being distractions’ may only be replicating the desire by anxiety etc al to hide from being worked on… by focusing on the tool, we might be missing an opportunity to focus on why so many are turning to them for their… dopamine? connection to work and home? connection to community? fidget? tool to get distracted in order focus? something they are working on and suddenly remember to make a note?

We’ve got some students whose device use is of concern, but the majority are using them very appropriately. Mind you we are having open discussions about them and I am asking our adults to model (not subtlety) how they are using their cell tools. Much as I share what my ‘thinking brain’ does when reading, writing, or mathing… I am also sharing what is going on when using the most powerful tool to differentiate and personalize learning journeys to impact the system.

But more and more I’m thinking we need to stop being fooled by the distraction and instead put more attention on what the cell use is distracting us (not the user) from seeing and helping.

About technolandy

Principaling on the Pacific in Powell River BC Pushing 'technologization' in education: blending technology and curriculum seamlessly. Advocate for better understanding of Anxiety in Education (and use of self-regulation) Utilizing ePortfolios & Descriptive Feedback to personalize learning!
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