Day 187 (of 2023/24) Celebration of Success with @tlaaminnation

Day 187 (of 2023/24) Celebration of Success with @tlaaminnation

Love Elsie Paul sharing the welcome as we spread like wildfire (though some of us are more like blackberry bushes <— if you know, you know is!) The Nation also pivoted quickly as we were going to be outside at Willingdon Beach but the storm rolling in today had other plans… and we can pivot!

A great scene was the serving of elders! Once upon a time I was in a school where we brought our community together – made up of peoples from all over. And as food was ready, an elder came up to my provincial and me (vp) disappointed that the students were rushing to the food to serve themselves. They should be serving elders first! We concurred. But we were also focused on providing opportunities and one curiosity posed to us was around whether or not everyone knew protocol. We did not feel it was our place (as two caucasian educators) to direct families. It was a chance to see where we were … albeit in another community and nearly two decades ago. It is great to see nobody rushing to get to food knowing there is enough for all. Like the tradition I have taken from an educator: leaders eat last <— another ‘if you know, you know’)

This is the third “graduation” event my school has been part of, and I love being able to see how different each one is. I love seeing young kids running around even though I know it may be embarrassing to some of the parents. Moments they will miss when the kids (and themselves) are older!

Love the recognition of the kinders who are starting their learning journeys!

Wish more grade 7s made it out – but the weather likely convinced some people to stay home… especially as the initial plan was to be outside…

Great to see the grade 12s acknowledged with blankets – and for Tla’amin graduating students to also receive cedar hats! Beautiful ceremony.

3 ceremonies. 3 very different methodologies. Graduation events do not all need to be the same! Much as we learn, we can also celebrate different(iated)ly!

Congratulations to all of our graduating students – I hope you all focus on ‘how you want to live’ as much as ‘what you want to do for a career’ – live with joy and happiness!

About technolandy

Principaling on the Pacific in Powell River BC Pushing 'technologization' in education: blending technology and curriculum seamlessly. Advocate for better understanding of Anxiety in Education (and use of self-regulation) Utilizing ePortfolios & Descriptive Feedback to personalize learning!
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