Day 176 (of 2023/24) thoughts on graduation(s)

Day 176 (of 2023/24) thoughts on graduation(s)

This past weekend I continued an old tradition of dropping off Welcome To Kindergarten packages to students who are joining our school, but as my (still) new school is K-adult, I added a formal tradition to my annual routine: being part of graduation events. One grad this past weekend for our cross-enrolled population, and a bonus one for our more asynchronous students… the rite of passage…

And I can’t help but wonder a bit about the different celebrations – as others are pointing out… is there a need for “grads” – or leaving ceremonies – from kindergarten? from the completion of one school ~elementary… middle school… junior high? Is it about celebrating the time spent in school or comparing achievements (can we celebrate one students enormous scholarship when there is a noticeable silence after the next students name?)

Part of me really liked my son’s covid influenced grad. Just the family and a focus on his achievements. Not as grandiose an event as his sisters arena-sized event, but just as emotional and meaningful – especially as he would have avoided and evaded the sounds and sights of a large crowd and waiting for his name to be called.

Sigh… I don’t think there is really ‘an answer’ – the ceremonies are always too long or too short; too many speeches or not enough being said; sometimes a speech is focused only on one cohort of learners, and that gets noticed by the kids… and then I end up wondering if this experiment called “school” is nimble enough to truly prepare students for the ‘real world’…

I do like that the school I’m at, since it’s a bit of a hybrid, likewise has some different options for graduation as well – the big event with the school district, and a smaller “PIE exclusive” event for learners who need ‘less arena’. But as we are k-12+ we don’t do a K or grade 7 event (beyond the district supported overnight camp at our Outdoor Learning Centre for grade 7s…)

Curious how much of our students and parental expectations are set up by media … nonetheless o am always impressed and really thankful for how hard everyone works to make the event(s) unique memories of finishing formal public schooling… even though we still encourage “life long learning”…

I just wonder if the event is (too much) distracting to learning at the end of the year… kinda feels weird to be keeping kids on task and completing assignments after the celebration! I’d wonder a bit more but so far graduation events still seem to be like weddings – a lot of positivity based on a lot of work for a single day event!

I think our communications team did a great job summarizing this weekend: Our amazing community came together this past weekend to celebrate the Graduating Class of 2024! Thank you so much to everyone who attended the ceremony and watched our livestream.

Congratulations to all the Graduates on their incredible achievement and for taking a huge step toward their future.

Grads, as you step out into the world and move on to the next chapter of your lives, we hope that your high school memories, friendships, and experiences always remain close to your heart.

Congratulations Class of 2024 – you did it!!🎓

About technolandy

Principaling on the Pacific in Powell River BC Pushing 'technologization' in education: blending technology and curriculum seamlessly. Advocate for better understanding of Anxiety in Education (and use of self-regulation) Utilizing ePortfolios & Descriptive Feedback to personalize learning!
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