Day 1 (of 189) day one-ish

Day 1 (of 189) day one-ish

I love the pause. The one that comes after being asked – how did your first day go? The Pause. “The first day with kids” <– that’s better because I know my staff had been busy in school getting ready and doing professional learning (two summer pro-d days) and most of the summer trying to stop thinking of school to be successful for a couple of days only to start thinking about the upcoming school year.

I know that I was probably at my school a bit too often this summer – finally in a legitimate close proximity to our school – I know some like separation but I like seeing “our kids” when I’m out for a walk. Or shopping or whatever. And my kids still think it odd that I have students say hi to me (for years my son has asked them ‘blink twice is he makes you say hi to him in public’). But I also know that when questions came up, my senior team and colleagues were also “too fast” to reply – so it was not just me.

I appreciate the pause because educators are not “part time employees” (as had been stated in one papers letter to the editor said: ) many may be 10 month employees, but just because many get deferred paycheques over the summer – they are paid for 10 months but really do spend a lot of time over the “vacations” still reflecting and planning (and reading and learning and presenting etc etc). Sometimes we do a lot of work that suddenly shifts because of a change in school populations (such as the planning I did on some prep schedules that I just redid) – but admittedly it is much better, and partly because of the earlier work that had been done enabled some changes to be better for the teachers and students in the bigger flow of the school!

But “day one” is not just “not-day-one” for the adults, but also many of the students (and likely some parents) who have been doing some work getting ready for the transition into school either because it’s the first time (I love the nervousness in the eyes during kinder-separation – of child and parent) or yet another tough transition (as I have at home – though he is as calm and ‘ready’ as he has been in years – albeit patient to wait out the first day (days) is chaos that can rule schools for the first few days).

So the -ish acknowledges that there has been a lot of pre-work done by all stakeholders; also that we don’t start in our “rest of year classes” until Thursday… so almost like a “preseason” – a chance to check in with families and staff. To test out some class lists (and sleep on them to see if any second thoughts arrive at 2am). But still a day one to kick things off. Confirm who has moved in and moved out; have a staff meeting to ensure we have people for committees and important jobs (such as who has up-to-date first aid – something I should probably redo…)

And after weeks of waiting, the school year has begun. Even though it’s already begun for many of us already 😜 happy startup!!

About technolandy

Principaling on the Pacific in Powell River BC Pushing 'technologization' in education: blending technology and curriculum seamlessly. Advocate for better understanding of Anxiety in Education (and use of self-regulation) Utilizing ePortfolios & Descriptive Feedback to personalize learning!
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